Herby Waterman 5k Winter Series Race #1
Pre-Season Jitters?
"I'm feeling sluggish," I thought the night before the race. Why? Coming out of Pre-Season into base training can be interesting. Pre-Season = Strength Training. You may feel strong coming out of Pre-Season but Beware! Your muscles have adapted to create high power and have released some of the Muscular Speed (ability to fire the muscles quickly) since the last racing season. Use the first race as a time-trail.
Race Plan
1st Mile - Go out Sub-5:30. I want to use a force cadence for the first mile. Keep relaxed and ignore freakish sprints from other racers.
2nd Mile- Hold Sub-11. I want to use a quick cadence for the second mile. Focus on finishing the second mile hard.
3rd Mile- Hold Sub- 16:45. I will be fatigued by this time. A mile in 5:45 should be possible. Change cadence to more force. (Between the first and second cadences).
Finish - 17:21. Do not sprint unless necessary to race against another racer. Prevent Injury.
Race Day
1st Mile - Went out 5:15.77. Felt good. Wind was treacherous.
2nd Mile - 5:47.29. Changed to quicker cadence. Not as fast as I would like it to be. The strength training has affected my speed. Faded and fought the wind and very small hill.
3rd Mile - 5:45.26. Felt a little better though my calves were slightly cramping.
Finish - 17:20.7. 2nd Place Finish.
Not a bad day. I need to work on that second mile. There was a study done years ago about going out a little faster in the first mile is actually beneficial and leads to faster times. I believe that, but I fade too much in the second mile. By the third I am coasting into the finish. If I can speed up the second, the third should naturally be faster. Not bad for being in pre-season. Next race in 2 weeks, 23-Jan. Herby Waterman Race #2.
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